what's cool? what's hot? what's not?

Sunday, December 07, 2008

What’s cool? Hard to define right? Cool is a subjective matter. Definition of cool would be different if it were asked to different people. Generally, cool would mean great, the best, up to date and stuff like that. Someone who’s cool would be someone who’s up to date, knowing today’s trend and is very likeable by other youths around him. “That’s a cool band!” would mean that the band is playing great and the audiences fancy them.

So what’s the trend today? What’s considered cool? Well, from what I see, in terms of fashion, a cool guy would have short spiky hair or sometimes messy, wearing a simple t-shirt with a jeans or some baggy slack, a pair of snickers or a flip-flop and have some leather or beads bangle as their accessories. A cool girl would be wearing anything matching, with high heels or wedges or sometimes just some simple flip-flop with some accessories of their own. That’s what youths today are wearing. Come to think of it, would someone sporty look cool to a group of gothic? Would a mohawk look cool to some rich guy in a suit? Of course not! So, you should dress according to what you are. Then, you’re cool!

Youth’s today can never be separated with gadgets. What’s cool today is to have your own laptop which allows you to surf anywhere. I bet, a youth without a handphone would surely not be considered as cool. Cause handphone is like a necessity to youths today. With the fast growing of technology, a lot of gadgets are made available and affordable. Sometimes, someone with a Wii is always way cooler than someone with a PS2. Another trend today is having a DSLR. You’re not cool without one. But then again, who are you to judge who’s cool and who’s not cause cool can be judge from many different perspectives.

Another cool thing today is to have a friendster profile, or a facebook or a myspace or hi5 and the list goes on. Who doesn’t have those today? Even someone who doesn’t have internet connection in their home would have their own profile cause it’s ‘the thing’. It’s the trend, everybody is doing it and we should follow. Well, I believe it’s a good thing. Cause it’s one way that you can get connected with friends, old or new. Even the grown ups are having their own profile now.

Youths today spend most of their time on the internet. They blog, they chat, they play games. These are some cool stuff to do. They also spend their time with their friends in cinemas, karaoke box, or in futsal courts. These are some healthy stuff that are also cool. Some would consider smoking as cool. Don’t want to cause any spark here but is it cool to be a slave to the cigarette?

Using short forms like LOL and BFF while typing sms and chatting is cool. If you spell the words one by one, you’re not cool. Youths today have even developed their own language. They have they own slang that only they (or sometimes their parents) would understand. Some examples of slang have been discussed in our previous chapter which is Chapter 5. Click here to read Chapter 5.

Cool youth watch cool movies and series. Some of the movies and series considered cool to these youths are Heroes, Transformers, Twilight and other movies and series with the same genre. If a guy watches some cheesy romantic movies and cries after watching it, he’s not cool. And if a girl watches a horror movie without ever closing her eyes with her hands, she’s cool. Reality shows are another today’s ‘in thing’. If you don’t know what is Malaysian Idol, The Apprentice, Explore Race or One In A Million, you’re really not up to date. Believe me, even small kids would know who comes from which reality show.

Appearance is a crucial thing for youth these days. Appearance for them is everything. They believe in “you’ll never have second chance to make a first impression” so the first must be good. If you’re all covered up with brands, you’re cool. Adidas, Gucci, Nike, and Chanel would always attract people. And if you’re using them, you would obviously become people’s attraction too. Indie brands are also cool these days. Indie brands are simple yet are really attractive. However, brands are not that important. If you know how to mix and match and look cool, you’re still cool.

Another today’s trend is there’s no such thing as only for girls, or only for guys. Some stuff that are previously made only for girls are also now made available for the guys too. For example, men’s face washer, face cream, hair cream, as well as masker. Previously, it will be weird if guys pampered themselves with these stuff but nowadays, it’s no longer like that. Sometimes, these guys care for their appearance more than girls do. Today, jerseys and boots that are previously only for guys are also made for the girls. They even have baby-t jerseys nowadays. Girls who watch football till 3 am in the morning is cool. Girls who plays football are also cool.

Then again, being cool is subjective. Every people have their own definitions and perspectives on being cool. If A says you’re cool doesn’t mean that B would say the same thing. What’s important is to be yourself. If you’re being you, YOU’RE COOL!! and sometimes, NOT BEING COOL IS COOL!!

Read my original post for Real Voices here.