should i be sick?

Monday, August 18, 2008

tonight, I have runny nose, a headache, and a sore throat. I felt fatigued all over my body, and only wanted to sleep. suddenly, I was reminded of this infamous quote by a senior of mine.

' You are sick, only if you say you are'
- Reenee Atira Mohd Shree

she meant that if you are sick and treat yourself like you're sick, i.e lying around doing nothing, sleeping 24 hours, being weak all the time, etc, then you are going to be really sick. but if you're sick but you act normally, you brace yourself to do normal stuff that you do when your not sick, then in no time, you'll be okay. these saying has been used long among me and my friends in sggs so that we wouldn't be so weak each time we're sick.

what my senior said might be true. I knew a guy who is physically challenge but never admitted defeat. he wasn't normal, but he never reacted weak and doesn't like people to sympathized him. he's a university student now and is as successful as other normal people. I bet if he take he's disability as a barrier and decided to stay weak and do nothing about it, he wouldn't be this successful. ermm so, should I say I'm sick now? or maybe i'll say I'm not well but not sick either. ::smilling::