make way!! my birthday's here!

Friday, October 03, 2008

yesterday was my birthday. yay! it's the 3rd day of raya today and it's still full house. I have this cousin, dira whose birthday is on the 7th and another one, fiqa whose birthday is on the 10th. being gathered and everything, we decided to have this shared birthday celebration thingy. lets let these pictures to tell us the rest of the story. ::drum roll please::

the ever famous birthday cake

the breathtaking ceremony

I was saying "move your hand away!"

I have evidence! she's destroying my name on the cake!

we're the butterfly warriors!! yeah!


~lalala~ said...

hepi besday budaaaak!! :D

zero said...


Unknown said...

salam. walaupun dah terlambat tapi akak nak wish juga. happy belated besday. Semoga kita sentiasa di dalam pandanganNYA. All da best final exam =)