I steal

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I'm so tired of studying so I went through reading all the status in gtalk, and ym and stole this from my lecturer:

"Understanding proves intelligence, not the speed of the learning"

and it got me thinking and nodding at how true it is.


NA. said...

amek communication kat KUIS

eVy-D-YaNa said...

aik...mcm terperasan gak status ni kt gtalk...hehe~ ;P

Nadira Ahmad Termizi said...

so how does my dear cousin interpret that saying?

p/s- aku mimpi ko smlm. ntah ape aku demam bleh mimpi ko. haha :P

zero said...

amie: owh.. tahniah2..

eVy-D-YaNa: lama da status die tuh.. huhu.. miss shakirah nyer..

dira: aku rase the saying's true.. yela.. aku blaja cepat pun klau x phm xpandai gak kn?? baik lbt tp paham..

mimpi aku eyh?? rindu la tu.. hahaha.. =p

ARe-TEh said...

stole that phrases frm miss syakirah~~~hehehe...