I took a bus home today and something interesting happened in the bus. It was the school holiday as well as the semester break for some universities like uitm. so, there weren't much bus available. luckily I got the only seat left which was close to the driver's seat. the driver's name is Kassim. he got two friends sitting near him. one is an indian named Param and the other one is a chinese named Mei. when the bus was going out from the station, a white kancil was parking close to the road we're going out from. the bus can't go out because if it did, the kancil will have scratches on it. read their award winning conversation regarding the situation:
Param: "Takda akai ka parking kat sini?" ("Doesn't this person have brains?")
Kassim: "Ada akai, saja takmau pakai." ("He have brains, but doesn't want to use it.")
Mei: "Mai kita tgk aa bangsa apa ni?" ("Let's see what race is race is the person.")
Mei looked at the kancil's driver.
Mei: "Aiya! Cina ka?" ("He's a chinese?") while blushing
Param: "Ha. Tgkla, km Melayu, India tadaa mcm ni punya." ("See, we Malays and Indians are not like this.")
while laughing with Kassim and then continued
Param: "Jgn kicik ati aaa. Melayu ka, cina ka, india ka, kita semua sama. Semua rakyat Malaysia. Malaysia tetap Malaysia, semua sama sajaa. Buat salah jugaa" ("Don't be offended. Malays, Chinese, Indians, we're all the same. All are Malaysians. Malaysians are Malaysians. All the same. All make mistakes.")
Kassim: "Betul. Betul. Sama saja." ("Correct. Correct. We're all the same.")
p/s: Happy 51st Birthday Malaysia! Merdeka!
11 years ago
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